We create, design and manufacture the answer to your eyelet needs.MJM Marga LLC specializes in the production of precision prototype and high volume drawn metal products. Our engineering department is familiar with numerous design requirements and capableof developing solutions for your production needs. Our personnel have extensive experience working with numerous materials and drawing shells up to 3.50" in length. MJM Marga can draw parts down to 0.020" OD with a minimum wall thickness of 0.002". Maximum length to diameter ratios of 50 times are obtainable. Because we hold the dimension on our punches and dies to a critical tolerance, finished part dimensions can be held to as close as +/- 0.0002" When it comes to working with ferrous and non-ferrous metals, we stamp, form, draw, dim slot, shear and assembly. Need to make a screw machine part faster and more cost effectively? Are you trying to use the deep drawing process, but just don't know if it is possible? Our engineers will work with your engineers to research and develop your designs to help bring your products to market faster and more cost effectively.